Friday, May 7, 2010

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind - Book Reviews

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer is on the list because it was a 2010 Alex Award winner.

Information from:

Please post a comment to leave your review of this book and whether you think it would be a good selection for the SJSU Campus Reading program and why. Thanks.


Amanda Dohse said...

I found this book's story line to be too slow. You have to get to about page 200 before he actually starts "harnessing the wind." There are some interesting moments and information about the famine in Malawi and the importance of magic in the Malawian culture. However, the main character acts so young through so much of the book. I'm not sure if it will be relatable to our students.

Unknown said...

I had a completely different reaction. I found the book very inspiring. The fact that William was unable to go to school so took his learning upon himself was a very good lesson for our students.

I liked the fact the the book wasn't only about building the windmill but about famine, family culture, political corruption, life long learning. Lots of great topics to talk about.