Monday, November 3, 2008


Jesusland: A Memoir by Julia Sheeres is a 2006 Alex Award winner.


Professor Nellen said...

While this is an engaging book most of the time, it also makes you wonder how much of it is true. It seems a bit far fetched at times. It portrays a very disfunctional family with parents who abuse their children. I don't think there are enough or as wide a range of discussion topics in this book as we find in many others. I do not recommend this book for the reading program selection.

Anonymous said...

Comment from 2008 from a committee member: "Couldn’t get through this one, started off good, but found it a bit too “heartrending” and depressing."

Unknown said...

read this book last year when we were considering it. i think it is not only a bit far-fetched but also rather brutal, and although that may be challenging for our students, i think it very well might turn many off. i had trouble getting through it as well, which is generally not an issue for me. i would not recommend this book at all.

Anonymous said...

I tried to read this book last year and was revolved. I am offended that it is OK to recommend a book that depicts Cjristianity this way when we would never consider such a book about any other religion. Let's get soemthing informative or uplifting.

Anonymous said...

I tried to read this book last year and was revolted. I am offended that it is OK to recommend a book that depicts Christianity this way when we would never consider such a book about any other religion. Let's get something informative or uplifting.