Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Thirteenth Tale

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield is a 2007 Alex Award winner.

If you've read this book, please leave a comment with your review of it and whether you think other readers are likely to find it engaging (do you think they’d be eager to finish it and perhaps start reading another book when they are done). If you recommend the book, please also state any themes or topics that would be good for discussion. Thanks.


Lilly Buchwitz said...

This is a marvelous gothic novel, the kind I didn’t think anyone wrote anymore. Unashamedly borrowing from Jane Eyre and The Turn of the Screw, with a little East of Eden thrown in for good measure, the story features murder and mystery, twins, and crazy relatives hiding in the attic. A terrific read if you like this sort of thing (I do, and I loved it.), but not a story that will appeal to your average 20-something young male student.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lilly that this is not a good choice for our program. In spite of all the positives (and enjoyable for some of us) points Lilly made, I don't see this as a book that will draw in non-readers.